作者: cainiao110 [cainiao110] 论坛用户 | 登录 |
#include<iostream.h> #include<string.h> class PERSON{ PERSON(char*name,int age){ PERSON::name=new char[strlen(name)+1]; strcpy(PERSON::name,name); PERSON::age=age; cout<<"Construct person "<<name<<","<<age<<".\n"; return; } ~PERSON() { cout<<"Destruct person "<<name<<","<<age<<".\n"; return; } protected: char*name; int age; }; class TEACHER:virtual public PERSON{ public: TEACHER(char*name,int age,char*teaching):PERSON(name,age) { couse=new char[strlen(teaching)+1]; strcpy(course,teaching); cout<<"Construct teacher teaching "<<course<<",\n"; return; } ~TEACHER() { cout<<"Destruct teacher teaching "<<course<<",\n"; delete couse; return; } protected: char*couse; }; class STUDENT:virtual public PERSON{ public: STUDENT(char*name,int age,char*tudying):PERSON(name,age) { course=new char[strlen(studying)+1]; strcpy(couse,studying); cout<<"Construct student studying "<<course<<",\n"; return; } ~STUDENT() { cout<<"Destruct student studying "<<couse<<",\n"; delete course; return; } protected: char*couse; }; class IN_SERVICE:virtual public TEACHER,virtual public STUDENT{ public: IN_SERVICE(char*name,int age,char*teaching,char*studying): TEACHER(name,age,teaching), STUDENT(name,age,studying), PERSON(name,age) { cout<<"Construct an in_service "<<name<<" "; cout<<"teaching "<<TRECHER::couse<<" and "; cout<<"studying "<<STUDENT::couse<<".\n"; return; } ~TEACHER() { cout<<"Destruct an in_service "<<name<<" "; cout<<"teaching "<<TRECHER::couse<<" and "; cout<<"studying "<<STUDENT::couse<<".\n"; return; } }; void main() { PERSON*person; person=new PERSON("Leeman",30); delete person; } //是C++程序 |
地主 发表时间: 06/16 16:01 |
回复: cimsxiyang [cimsxiyang] 版主 | 登录 |
你先把该帖子中起码的空格错误去掉。我眼花。 |
B1层 发表时间: 06/16 23:24 |
回复: runwin [runwin] 论坛用户 | 登录 |
我看去很多破东西::( |
B2层 发表时间: 06/17 01:47 |
回复: NetDemon [netdemon] ADMIN | 登录 |
这样就好多了代码: 大家慢慢看吧,我闪 |
B3层 发表时间: 06/17 01:50 |
回复: easyking [easyking] 论坛用户 | 登录 |
#include<iostream.h> #include<string.h> class PERSON{ public: PERSON(char*name,int age){ PERSON::name=new char[strlen(name)+1]; strcpy(PERSON::name,name); PERSON::age=age; cout<<"Construct person "<<name<<","<<age<<".\n"; return; } ~PERSON() { cout<<"Destruct person "<<name<<","<<age<<".\n"; return; } protected: char*name; int age; }; class TEACHER:virtual public PERSON{ public: TEACHER(char*name,int age,char*teaching):PERSON(name,age) { couse=new char[strlen(teaching)+1]; strcpy(couse,teaching); cout<<"Construct teacher teaching "<<couse<<",\n"; return; } ~TEACHER() { cout<<"Destruct teacher teaching "<<couse<<",\n"; delete couse; return; } protected: char*couse; }; class STUDENT:virtual public PERSON{ public: STUDENT(char*name,int age,char*studying):PERSON(name,age) { couse=new char[strlen(studying)+1]; strcpy(couse,studying); cout<<"Construct student studying "<<couse<<",\n"; return; } ~STUDENT() { cout<<"Destruct student studying "<<couse<<",\n"; delete couse; return; } protected: char* couse; }; class IN_SERVICE:virtual public TEACHER,virtual public STUDENT{ public: IN_SERVICE(char*name,int age,char*teaching,char*studying): TEACHER(name,age,teaching), STUDENT(name,age,studying), PERSON(name,age) { cout<<"Construct an in_service "<<name<<" "; cout<<"teaching "<<TEACHER::couse<<" and "; cout<<"studying "<<STUDENT::couse<<".\n"; return; } ~IN_SERVICE() { cout<<"Destruct an in_service "<<name<<" "; cout<<"teaching "<<TEACHER::couse<<" and "; cout<<"studying "<<STUDENT::couse<<".\n"; return; } }; void main() { PERSON*person; person=new PERSON("Leeman",30); delete person; } |
B4层 发表时间: 06/24 20:34 |
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