作者: yjfbegc [yjfbegc] 论坛用户 | 登录 |
首先感谢作者的成果,方便大家,这个FTP软件挺小巧,也挺稳定,问题是怎么只支持127.0.0.1地址呢,本机内网IP不支持,还有外网地址不可以使用吗? 刚刚测试了下,路由映射TCP 21开了就可以了,如果没有路由器是否直接就能使用呢? [此贴被 仰泳的大鱼儿(yjfbegc) 在 06月05日04时56分 编辑过] |
地主 发表时间: 15-06-05 04:49 |
回复: NetDemon [netdemon] ADMIN | 登录 |
绑定的是所有本机ip,内网ip是支持的。 内网开服务都是需要路由支持或做设置的,本来有想用upnp做到不需要手工设置路由器,但这样一来软件会变的大些并且有依赖,故而也就没有加入这样的功能。 |
B1层 发表时间: 15-06-07 23:25 |
回复: lila68 [lila68] 论坛用户 | 登录 |
北京快3 首先感谢作者的成果,方便大家,这个FTP软件挺小巧,也挺稳定 上海快3 |
B2层 发表时间: 21-02-25 06:37 |
回复: fiwa62824 [fiwa62824] 论坛用户 | 登录 |
https://www.primeporndirectory.com/sexdating There was once a blind man who had so fine a sense of touch that, when any animal was put into his hands, he could tell what it was merely by the feel of it. One day the cub of a wolf was put into his hands, and he was asked what it was. He felt it for some time, and then said, "Indeed, I am not sure whether it is a wolf's cub or a fox's: but this I know -- it would never do to trust it in a sheepfold." |
B3层 发表时间: 21-06-12 15:14 |
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