作者: qinsheng [qinsheng] 论坛用户 | 登录 |
本人菜鸟,也许是我见识短,但是我真的没见过这样的服务器,这个服务器是日本的。如果大家也没见过的话。这些我估计应该可以证实日本人绝对的变态了。一下使我用superscan扫到的 + tech1.fms.saitama-u.ac.jp |___ 23 Telnet |___ 220 Serv-U FTP Server v3.0 for WinSock ready..... |___ 80 World Wide Web HTTP |___ HTTP/1.1 200 OK..Server: Microsoft-IIS/4.0..Content-Location: Wed, 07 May 2003 16:19:36 |___ 135 DCE endpoint resolution |___ 139 NETBIOS Session Service |___ 443 https MCom |___ 1433 Microsoft-SQL-Server |___ 1624 udp-sr-port |___ 1625 svs-omagent |___ 1637 CableNet Admin Protocol |___ 1636 CableNet Control Protocol |___ 1638 CableNet Info Protocol |___ 1640 cert-responder |___ 1641 InVision |___ 1647 rsap |___ 1639 cert-initiator |___ 1643 isis-ambc |___ 1644 Satellite-data Acquisition System 4 |___ 1623 jaleosnd |___ 1651 shiva_confsrvr |___ 1653 alphatech-lm |___ 1654 stargatealerts |___ 1642 isis-am |___ 1645 datametrics |___ 1646 sa-msg-port |___ 1648 concurrent-lm |___ 1650 ? |___ 1652 xnmp |___ 1649 inspect |___ 1658 sixnetudr |___ 1662 netview-aix-2 |___ 1664 netview-aix-4 |___ 1660 skip-mc-gikreq |___ 1655 dec-mbadmin |___ 1656 dec-mbadmin-h |___ 1657 fujitsu-mmpdc |___ 1659 Silicon Grail License Manager |___ 1661 netview-aix-1 |___ 1663 netview-aix-3 |___ 1665 netview-aix-5 |___ 1666 netview-aix-6 |___ 1667 netview-aix-7 |___ 1668 netview-aix-8 |___ 1669 netview-aix-9 |___ 1671 netview-aix-11 |___ 1670 netview-aix-10 |___ 1672 netview-aix-12 |___ 1673 Intel Proshare Multicast |___ 1674 Intel Proshare Multicast |___ 1676 netcomm1 |___ 1675 Pacific Data Products |___ 1678 prolink |___ 1677 groupwise |___ 1679 darcorp-lm |___ 1680 microcom-sbp |___ 1683 ncpm-hip |___ 1682 lanyon-lantern |___ 1685 n2nremote |___ 1681 sd-elmd |___ 1684 SnareSecure |___ 1686 cvmon |___ 1687 nsjtp-ctrl |___ 1688 nsjtp-data |___ 1689 firefox |___ 1690 ng-umds |___ 1691 empire-empuma |___ 1692 sstsys-lm |___ 1693 rrirtr |___ 1694 rrimwm |___ 1695 rrilwm |___ 1696 rrifmm |___ 1700 mps-raft |___ 1701 l2f |___ 1697 rrisat |___ 1699 RSVP-ENCAPSULATION-2 |___ 1702 deskshare |___ 1698 RSVP-ENCAPSULATION-1 |___ 1703 hb-engine |___ 1704 bcs-broker |___ 1705 slingshot |___ 1710 impera |___ 1706 jetform |___ 1708 gat-lmd |___ 1709 centra |___ 1714 sesi-lm |___ 1707 vdmplay |___ 1715 houdini-lm |___ 1718 h323gatedisc |___ 1720 h323hostcall |___ 1711 pptconference |___ 1712 resource monitoring service |___ 1713 ConferenceTalk |___ 1721 caicci |___ 1716 xmsg |___ 1717 fj-hdnet |___ 1719 h323gatestat |___ 1728 TELINDUS |___ 1727 winddx |___ 1726 IBERIAGAMES |___ 1722 HKS License Manager |___ 1723 pptp |___ 1724 csbphonemaster |___ 1725 iden-ralp |___ 1729 CityNL License Management |___ 1732 proxim |___ 1734 Camber Corporation License Management |___ 1735 PrivateChat |___ 1730 roketz |___ 1731 MSICCP |___ 1733 sipat |___ 1739 webaccess |___ 1741 cisco-net-mgmt |___ 1742 3Com-nsd |___ 1736 street-stream |___ 1737 ultimad |___ 1745 remote-winsock |___ 1747 ftrapid-2 |___ 1749 aspen-services |___ 1738 GameGen1 |___ 1740 encore |___ 1743 Cinema Graphics License Manager |___ 1748 oracle-em1 |___ 1744 ncpm-ft |___ 1746 ftrapid-1 |___ 1754 oracle-em2 |___ 1751 SwiftNet |___ 1753 Translogic License Manager |___ 1755 ms-streaming |___ 1750 Simple Socket Library's PortMaster |___ 1752 Leap of Faith Research License Manager |___ 1756 capfast-lmd |___ 1757 cnhrp |___ 1758 tftp-mcast |___ 1759 SPSS License Manager |___ 1760 www-ldap-gw |___ 1761 cft-0 |___ 1762 cft-1 |___ 1763 cft-2 |___ 1764 cft-3 |___ 1765 cft-4 |___ 1766 cft-5 |___ 1767 cft-6 |___ 1768 cft-7 |___ 1769 bmc-net-adm |___ 1770 bmc-net-svc |___ 1771 vaultbase |___ 1772 EssWeb Gateway |___ 1773 KMSControl |___ 1774 global-dtserv |___ 1776 Federal Emergency Management Information System |___ 1777 powerguardian |___ 1778 prodigy-internet |___ 1779 pharmasoft |___ 1780 dpkeyserv |___ 1781 answersoft-lm |___ 1783 Fujitsu Remote Install Service |___ 1784 Finle License Manager |___ 1786 funk-logger |___ 1782 hp-hcip |___ 1785 Wind River Systems License Manager |___ 1787 funk-license |___ 1788 psmond |___ 1789 hello |___ 1790 Narrative Media Streaming Protocol |___ 1791 EA1 |___ 1792 ibm-dt-2 |___ 1793 rsc-robot |___ 1796 Vocaltec Server Administration |___ 1795 dpi-proxy |___ 1797 UMA |___ 1794 cera-bcm |___ 1798 Event Transfer Protocol |___ 1801 Microsoft Message Que |___ 1799 NETRISK |___ 1800 ANSYS-License manager |___ 1802 ConComp1 |___ 1803 HP-HCIP-GWY |___ 1804 ENL |___ 1805 ENL-Name |___ 1806 Musiconline |___ 1807 Fujitsu Hot Standby Protocol |___ 1808 Oracle-VP2 |___ 1809 Oracle-VP1 |___ 1810 Jerand License Manager |___ 1811 Scientia-SDB |___ 1812 RADIUS |___ 1819 Plato License Manager |___ 1813 RADIUS Accounting |___ 1815 MMPFT |___ 1820 mcagent |___ 1821 donnyworld |___ 1822 es-elmd |___ 1902 Fujitsu ICL Terminal Emulator Program B |___ 1814 TDP Suite |___ 1818 Enhanced Trivial File Transfer Protocol |___ 1823 Unisys Natural Language License Manager |___ 1901 Fujitsu ICL Terminal Emulator Program A |___ 1824 metrics-pas |___ 1903 Local Link Name Resolution |___ 1904 Fujitsu ICL Terminal Emulator Program C |___ 1907 IntraSTAR |___ 1905 Secure UP.Link Gateway Protocol |___ 1906 TPortMapperReq |___ 1912 Unassigned |___ 1913 armadp |___ 1908 Dawn |___ 1909 Global World Link |___ 1911 Starlight Networks Multimedia Transport Protocol |___ 1914 Elm-Momentum |___ 1916 Persoft Persona |___ 1919 Candle Directory Service - DCH |___ 1920 Candle Directory Service - FERRET |___ 1917 nOAgent |___ 1944 close-combat |___ 1947 hlserver |___ 1915 FACELINK |___ 1918 Candle Directory Service - NDS |___ 1945 dialogic-elmd |___ 1949 ISMA Easdaq Live |___ 1950 ISMA Easdaq Test |___ 1946 tekpls |___ 1948 eye2eye |___ 1973 Data Link Switching Remote Access Protocol |___ 1985 Folio Remote Server |___ 1951 bcs-lmserver |___ 1989 cisco RSRB Priority 3 port |___ 1991 cisco STUN Priority 2 port |___ 1986 cisco license management |___ 1987 cisco RSRB Priority 1 port |___ 1988 cisco RSRB Priority 2 port |___ 1990 cisco STUN Priority 1 port |___ 1992 cisco STUN Priority 3 port |___ 1993 cisco SNMP TCP port |___ 1996 cisco Remote SRB port |___ 1994 cisco serial tunnel port |___ 1997 cisco Gateway Discovery Protocol |___ 1995 cisco perf port |___ 1998 cisco X.25 service (XOT) |___ 1999 cisco identification port |___ 2001 ? |___ 2002 ? |___ 2005 ? |___ 2000 ? |___ 2004 ? |___ 2006 ? |___ 2007 ? |___ 2012 ? |___ 2016 ? |___ 2009 n |___ 2010 ? |___ 2013 ? |___ 2008 ? |___ 2011 raid |___ 2015 ? |___ 2017 ? |___ 2020 ? |___ 2019 ? |___ 2023 ? |___ 2024 ? |___ 2018 ? |___ 2021 ? |___ 2022 ? |___ 2025 ? |___ 2026 ? |___ 2027 ? |___ 2028 ? |___ 2030 ? |___ 2032 ? |___ 2033 ? |___ 2038 ? |___ 2040 ? |___ 2034 ? |___ 2035 ? |___ 2041 ? |___ 2043 isis-bcast |___ 2045 ? |___ 2044 ? |___ 2042 isis |___ 2047 ? |___ 2067 Data Link Switch Write Port Number |___ 2048 ? |___ 2049 ? |___ 2065 Data Link Switch Read Port Number |___ 2046 ? |___ 2103 Zephyr serv-hm connection |___ 2202 Int. Multimedia Teleconferencing Cosortium |___ 2213 Kali |___ 2102 Zephyr server |___ 2104 Zephyr hostmanager |___ 2105 MiniPay |___ 2201 Advanced Training System Program |___ 2221 Allen-Bradley unregistered port |___ 2222 Allen-Bradley unregistered port |___ 2223 Allen-Bradley unregistered port |___ 2232 IVS Video default |___ 2233 INFOCRYPT |___ 2236 Nani |___ 2234 DirectPlay |___ 2235 Sercomm-WLink |___ 2239 Image Query |___ 2280 LNVPOLLER |___ 2237 Optech Port1 License Manager |___ 2241 IVS Daemon |___ 2238 AVIVA SNA SERVER |___ 2279 xmquery |___ 2283 LNVSTATUS |___ 2281 LNVCONSOLE |___ 2284 LNVMAPS |___ 2285 LNVMAILMON |___ 2282 LNVALARM |___ 2287 DNA |___ 2301 Compaq Insight Manager |___ 2286 NAS-Metering |___ 2288 NETML |___ 2307 pehelp |___ 2500 Resource Tracking system server |___ 2564 HP 3000 NS/VT block mode telnet |___ 2401 cvspserver |___ 2501 Resource Tracking system client |___ 2583 Wincrash V2.0 trojan |___ 2784 world wide web - development |___ 2700 tqdata |___ 2785 aic-np |___ 2787 piccolo - Cornerstone Software |___ 2592 netrek |___ 2786 aic-oncrpc - Destiny MCD database |___ 2788 NetWare Loadable Module - Seagate Software |___ 2789 Media Agent |___ 2908 mao |___ 2910 TDAccess |___ 3000 HBCI |___ 2801 Phineas trojan |___ 2909 Funk Dialout |___ 2911 Blockade |___ 2912 Epicon |___ 3047 Fast Security HL Server |___ 3002 EXLM Agent |___ 3049 ? |___ 3128 Squid Proxy |___ 3001 Redwood Broker |___ 3010 Telerate Workstation |___ 3011 Trusted Web |___ 3048 Sierra Net PC Trader |___ 3141 VMODEM |___ 3142 RDC WH EOS |___ 3145 CSI-LFAP |___ 3143 Sea View |___ 3144 Tarantella |___ 3264 cc:mail/lotus |___ 3421 Bull Apprise portmapper |___ 3333 DEC Notes |___ 3454 Apple Remote Access Protocol |___ 3457 VAT default control |___ 3455 RSVP Port |___ 3456 VAT default data |___ 3883 Deep Throat 2 trojan |___ 3900 Unidata UDT OS |___ 3984 MAPPER network node manager |___ 3985 MAPPER TCP/IP server |___ 3986 MAPPER workstation server |___ 4008 NetCheque accounting |___ 4009 Chimera HWM |___ 4132 NUTS Daemon |___ 4133 NUTS Bootp Server |___ 4134 NIFTY-Serve HMI protocol |___ 4321 Remote Who Is |___ 4343 UNICALL |___ 4444 KRB524 |___ 4445 UPNOTIFYP |___ 4446 N1-FWP |___ 4447 N1-RMGMT |___ 4448 ASC Licence Manager |___ 4449 ARCrypto IP |___ 4450 Camp |___ 4451 CTI System Msg |___ 4452 CTI Program Load |___ 4453 NSS Alert Manager |___ 4454 NSS Agent Manager |___ 4500 sae-urn |___ 4501 urn-x-cdchoice |___ 4672 remote file access server |___ 5000 ? |___ 5001 ? |___ 5002 radio free ethernet |___ 5003 Claris FileMaker Pro |___ 5004 avt-profile-1 |___ 5005 avt-profile-2 |___ 5010 TelepathStart |___ 5011 TelepathAttack |___ 5020 zenginkyo-1 |___ 5021 zenginkyo-2 |___ 5050 multimedia conference control tool |___ 5145 ? |___ 5150 Ascend Tunnel Management Protocol |___ 5190 America-Online |___ 5191 AmericaOnline1 |___ 5192 AmericaOnline2 |___ 5193 AmericaOnline3 |___ 5236 ? |___ 5300 # HA cluster heartbeat |___ 5301 # HA cluster general services |___ 5302 # HA cluster configuration |___ 5303 # HA cluster probing |___ 5304 # HA Cluster Commands |___ 5305 # HA Cluster Test |___ 5400 Excerpt Search |___ 5401 Excerpt Search Secure |___ 5555 Personal Agent |___ 5631 pcANYWHEREdata |___ 5632 pcANYWHEREstat |___ 5678 Remote Replication Agent Connection |___ 5679 Direct Cable Connect Manager |___ 5713 proshare conf audio |___ 5714 proshare conf video |___ 5715 proshare conf data |___ 5716 proshare conf request |___ 5717 proshare conf notify |___ 5729 Openmail User Agent Layer |___ 5742 Wincrash V1.03 |___ 5745 fcopy-server |___ 5755 OpenMail Desk Gateway server |___ 5757 OpenMail X.500 Directory Server |___ 5766 OpenMail NewMail Server |___ 5767 OpenMail Suer Agent Layer (Secure) |___ 5800 Virtual Network Computing server |___ 5900 Virtual Network Computing server |___ 6000 6000-6063 X Window System |___ 6110 HP SoftBench CM |___ 6111 HP SoftBench Sub-Process Control |___ 6112 dtspcd |___ 6123 Backup Express |___ 6141 Meta Corporation License Manager |___ 6142 Aspen Technology License Manager |___ 6143 Watershed License Manager |___ 6144 StatSci License Manager - 1 |___ 6145 StatSci License Manager - 2 |___ 6146 Lone Wolf Systems License Manager |___ 6147 Montage License Manager |___ 6148 Ricardo North America License Manager |___ 6149 tal-pod |___ 6253 CRIP |___ 6389 clariion-evr01 |___ 6455 SKIP Certificate Receive |___ 6456 SKIP Certificate Send |___ 6558 ? |___ 6588 AnalogX Web Proxy |___ 6670 Vocaltec Global Online Directory |___ 6672 vision_server |___ 6673 vision_elmd |___ 6969 acmsoda |___ 6831 ambit-lm |___ 7000 file server itself |___ 7001 callbacks to cache managers |___ 7002 users & groups database |___ 7003 volume location database |___ 7004 AFS/Kerberos authentication service |___ 7005 volume managment server |___ 7006 error interpretation service |___ 7007 basic overseer process |___ 7008 server-to-server updater |___ 7009 remote cache manager service |___ 7010 onlinet uninterruptable power supplies |___ 7099 lazy-ptop |___ 7100 X Font Service |___ 7121 Virtual Prototypes License Manager |___ 7174 Clutild |___ 7200 FODMS FLIP |___ 7201 DLIP |___ 7395 winqedit |___ 7491 telops-lmd |___ 7511 pafec-lm |___ 7777 cbt |___ 7781 accu-lmgr |___ 8000 iRDMI/Shoutcast Server |___ 8010 Wingate web logfile |___ 7999 iRDMI2 |___ 8032 ProEd |___ 8080 Standard HTTP Proxy |___ 8450 npmp |___ 8888 NewsEDGE server TCP (TCP 1) |___ 8889 Desktop Data TCP 1 |___ 8890 Desktop Data TCP 2 |___ 8891 Desktop Data TCP 3: NESS application |___ 8892 Desktop Data TCP 4: FARM product |___ 8893 Desktop Data TCP 5: NewsEDGE/Web application |___ 8894 Desktop Data TCP 6: COAL application |___ 9000 CSlistener |___ 9100 HP JetDirect Printer Server |___ 9535 ? |___ 9876 Session Director |___ 9992 Palace |___ 9993 Palace |___ 9994 Palace |___ 9995 Palace |___ 9996 Palace |___ 9997 Palace |___ 9998 Distinct32 |___ 9999 distinct |___ 10000 Network Data Management Protocol |___ 11000 SSTROJG trojan |___ 12345 Win95/NT Netbus backdoor |___ 12753 tsaf port |___ 13223 PowWow chat program |___ 17007 ? |___ 18000 Beckman Instruments |___ 20001 Millenium trojan |___ 20024 Netbus 2.0 Pro |___ 21845 webphone |___ 21846 NetSpeak Corp. Directory Services |___ 21847 NetSpeak Corp. Connection Services |___ 21848 NetSpeak Corp. Automatic Call Distribution |___ 21849 NetSpeak Corp. Credit Processing System |___ 22273 wnn6 |___ 22347 WIBU dongle server |___ 22555 Vocaltec Web Conference |___ 22800 Telerate Information Platform LAN |___ 22951 Telerate Information Platform WAN |___ 23456 Evil FTP trojan |___ 21554 GirlFriend trojan |___ 25000 icl-twobase1 |___ 25001 icl-twobase2 |___ 25002 icl-twobase3 |___ 25003 icl-twobase4 |___ 25004 icl-twobase5 |___ 25005 icl-twobase6 |___ 25006 icl-twobase7 |___ 25007 icl-twobase8 |___ 25008 icl-twobase9 |___ 25009 icl-twobase10 |___ 25793 Vocaltec Address Server |___ 25867 WebCam32 Admin |___ 26000 quake |___ 26208 wnn6-ds |___ 30303 Sockets De Troie trojan |___ 47557 Databeam Corporation |___ 47806 ALC Protocol |___ 47808 Building Automation and Control Networks |___ 54320 Back Orifice 2000 |___ 65000 Devil trojan |
地主 发表时间: 05/08 00:27 |
回复: wwj [wwj] 论坛用户 | 登录 |
那变态了,不要看不懂就说人家变态,编得很好啊 |
B1层 发表时间: 05/08 05:41 |
回复: eidos [eidos] 论坛用户 | 登录 |
真没见过,不知道它开那么多的口做什么, |
B2层 发表时间: 05/08 07:57 |
回复: TomyChen [quest] 版主 | 登录 |
有点像是黑洞,小心被套上 |
B3层 发表时间: 05/08 08:45 |
回复: uriowe [uriowe] 论坛用户 | 登录 |
哇塞,好厉害! |
B4层 发表时间: 05/08 09:44 |
回复: lukaifeng [lukaifeng] 论坛用户 | 登录 |
不会吧,这么多的端口都开着~ |
B5层 发表时间: 05/08 09:54 |
回复: qinsheng [qinsheng] 论坛用户 | 登录 |
大伙分析一下每个端口都是干什么的? |
B6层 发表时间: 05/08 13:37 |
回复: ma2751_cn [ma2751_cn] | 登录 |
每个服务都可以改端口的嘛`~~~ 既然开了这么多个端口,应该不会是服务默认的。。。 |
B7层 发表时间: 05/08 16:43 |
回复: BearKing [bking] 版主 | 登录 |
小心有诈,它的端口开得太怪了。 |
B8层 发表时间: 05/08 19:18 |
回复: napolun [napolun] 版主 | 登录 |
像是故意的,这开得太夸张了。 |
B9层 发表时间: 05/08 21:01 |
回复: qinsheng [qinsheng] 论坛用户 | 登录 |
是呀 日本人在想什么呢? |
B10层 发表时间: 05/08 22:59 |
回复: qinsheng [qinsheng] 论坛用户 | 登录 |
不好意思 我今天又扫了一下 没有那么多端口了 只有一些正常的端口 可能是因为我网速太慢使扫描器造成的假象吧! |
B11层 发表时间: 05/08 23:15 |
回复: jacky8714 [jacky8714] 论坛用户 | 登录 |
网速慢,还可以造成这些原因? |
B12层 发表时间: 05/13 16:20 |
回复: tiancefu [tiancefu] 论坛用户 | 登录 |
虚惊????????????????、 |
B13层 发表时间: 05/16 07:19 |
回复: chjantony [chjantony] 论坛用户 | 登录 |
看部懂 ,晕啊 象是圈套!! |
B14层 发表时间: 05/26 19:26 |
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