论坛: 菜鸟乐园 标题: 一份详尽的扫描报告! 复制本贴地址    
作者: guzhu [guzhu]    论坛用户   登录
安全漏洞及解决方案: xx.xxx.xxx.xx
类型 端口/服务 安全漏洞及解决方案
"提示 unknown (1433/tcp) Maybe the ""Microsoft-SQL-Server"" service running on this port."

NESSUS_ID : 10330

提示 unknown (1433/tcp)
Microsoft SQL server is running on this port.

You should never let any unauthorized users establish
connections to this service.

Solution: Block this port from outside communication

Risk factor : Medium
CVE_ID : CAN-1999-0652
NESSUS_ID : 10144

漏洞 www (80/tcp)
The remote WebDAV server may be vulnerable to a buffer overflow when
it receives a too long request.

An attacker may use this flaw to execute arbitrary code within the
LocalSystem security context.

"*** As safe checks are enabled, Nessus did not actually test for this"
"*** flaw, so this might be a false positive"

Solution : See http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/bulletin/ms03-007.mspx
Risk Factor : High
CVE_ID : CAN-2003-0109
NESSUS_ID : 11412
Other references : IAVA:2003-A-0005

警告 www (80/tcp) CGI漏洞: http://xx.xxx.xxx.xx/_vti_pvt
输入查看反回:您无权查看该网页 HTTP 错误 403 - 禁止访问
警告 www (80/tcp) CGI漏洞: http://xx.xxx.xxx.xx/scripts
输入查看反回:您无权查看该网页 HTTP 错误 403 - 禁止访问
提示 www (80/tcp) A web server is running on this port
NESSUS_ID : 10330

提示 www (80/tcp) The remote web server type is :


Solution : You can use urlscan to change reported server for IIS.
NESSUS_ID : 10107

"提示 unknown (443/tcp) Maybe the ""HttpS, Secure HTTP"" service running on this port."

NESSUS_ID : 10330

"提示 ftp (21/tcp) Maybe the ""ftp"" service running on this port."

NESSUS_ID : 10330

"提示 unknown (3389/tcp) Maybe the ""Windows Terminal Services"" service running on this port."

NESSUS_ID : 10330

警告 unknown (135/tcp)
Distributed Computing Environment (DCE) services running on the remote host
can be enumerated by connecting on port 135 and doing the appropriate queries.

An attacker may use this fact to gain more knowledge
about the remote host.

Solution : filter incoming traffic to this port.
Risk factor : Low
NESSUS_ID : 10736

"提示 unknown (135/tcp) Maybe the ""Location Service"" service running on this port."

NESSUS_ID : 10330

"提示 unknown (445/tcp) Maybe the ""Microsoft-DS"" service running on this port."

NESSUS_ID : 10330

警告 cifs (445/tcp) The host Security Identifier (SID) can be obtained remotely. Its value is :

QT2353WG-SA2ASJ : 5-21-448539723-362288127-1801674531

An attacker can use it to obtain the list of the local users of this host
Solution : filter the ports 137-139 and 445
Risk factor : Low

CVE_ID : CVE-2000-1200
NESSUS_ID : 10859

警告 cifs (445/tcp) The host SID could be used to enumerate the names of the local users
of this host.
(we only enumerated users name whose ID is between 1000 and 1200
for performance reasons)
"This gives extra knowledge to an attacker, which"
is not a good thing :
- Administrator account name : Administrator (id 500)
- Guest account name : Guest (id 501)
- TsInternetUser (id 1000)
- IUSR_QT2353WG-SA2ASJ (id 1001)
- IWAM_QT2353WG-SA2ASJ (id 1002)
- ASPNET (id 1003)
- pptplayer (id 1004)

Risk factor : Medium
Solution : filter incoming connections this port

CVE_ID : CVE-2000-1200
NESSUS_ID : 10860

警告 cifs (445/tcp) The following local accounts have never changed their password :


"To minimize the risk of break-in, users should"
change their password regularly
NESSUS_ID : 10914

提示 cifs (445/tcp) A CIFS server is running on this port
NESSUS_ID : 11011

提示 cifs (445/tcp)
It was possible to log into the remote host using a NULL session.
The concept of a NULL session is to provide a null username and
"a null password, which grants the user the 'guest' access"

"To prevent null sessions, see MS KB Article Q143474 (NT 4.0) and"
Q246261 (Windows 2000).
"Note that this won't completely disable null sessions, but will "
prevent them from connecting to IPC$
Please see http://msgs.securepoint.com/cgi-bin/get/nessus-0204/50/1.html

All the smb tests will be done as ''/''
"CVE_ID : CAN-1999-0504, CAN-1999-0506, CVE-2000-0222, CAN-1999-0505, CAN-2002-1117"
"BUGTRAQ_ID : 494, 990"
NESSUS_ID : 10394

提示 DCE/1ff70682-0a51-30e8-076d-740be8cee98b (1028/tcp) Distributed Computing Environment (DCE) services running on the remote host
can be enumerated by connecting on port 135 and doing the appropriate queries.

An attacker may use this fact to gain more knowledge
about the remote host.

Here is the list of DCE services running on this port:

"UUID: 1ff70682-0a51-30e8-076d-740be8cee98b, version 1"
Endpoint: ncacn_ip_tcp:xx.xxx.xxx.xx[1028]

"UUID: 378e52b0-c0a9-11cf-822d-00aa0051e40f, version 1"
Endpoint: ncacn_ip_tcp:xx.xxx.xxx.xx[1028]

Solution : filter incoming traffic to this port.
Risk Factor : Low
NESSUS_ID : 10736

提示 DCE/82ad4280-036b-11cf-972c-00aa006887b0 (1030/tcp) Distributed Computing Environment (DCE) services running on the remote host
can be enumerated by connecting on port 135 and doing the appropriate queries.

An attacker may use this fact to gain more knowledge
about the remote host.

Here is the list of DCE services running on this port:

"UUID: 82ad4280-036b-11cf-972c-00aa006887b0, version 2"
Endpoint: ncacn_ip_tcp:xx.xxx.xxx.xx[1030]

Solution : filter incoming traffic to this port.
Risk Factor : Low
NESSUS_ID : 10736

提示 unknown (1025/udp) Distributed Computing Environment (DCE) services running on the remote host
can be enumerated by connecting on port 135 and doing the appropriate queries.

An attacker may use this fact to gain more knowledge
about the remote host.

Here is the list of DCE services running on this port:

"UUID: 5a7b91f8-ff00-11d0-a9b2-00c04fb6e6fc, version 1"
Endpoint: ncadg_ip_udp:xx.xxx.xxx.xx[1025]
Annotation: Messenger Service

Solution : filter incoming traffic to this port.
Risk Factor : Low
NESSUS_ID : 10736

提示 tcp The remote host is running Microsoft Windows 2000 Server
NESSUS_ID : 11936

漏洞 mssql (1433/tcp)
The remote MS SQL server is vulnerable to the Hello overflow.

An attacker may use this flaw to execute commands against
"the remote host as LOCAL/SYSTEM, as well as read your database content. "

*** This alert might be a false positive.

Solution : Install Microsoft Patch Q316333 at http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb
Q316333 sd=tech
or disable the Microsoft SQL Server service or use a firewall to protect the
MS SQL port (1433).

Risk factor : High
CVE_ID : CAN-2002-1123
NESSUS_ID : 11067
Other references : IAVA:2002-B-0007

在一个没有联入INTERNET的LAN内扫的,()扫描工具是X-SCAN的命令行版我的机器是ME,因为没有NET USER所以我想溢出应该也没有什么利用的办法(本机无法用HTTP访问,所以iget.vbs也没办法利用了),我试着溢出过几个SERV-U FTP但都没有成功,难道M也无法进行溢出?

有没有什么办法可以使ME也可以用NET USER命令?


地主 发表时间: 04-04-09 14:56

论坛: 菜鸟乐园

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