作者: zergking [zergking] 论坛用户 | 登录 |
我的电脑里有两个隐含的文件叫desktop.ini和folder.htt 问这是什么毒? 怎么杀这两种毒,? |
地主 发表时间: 04-01-19 05:31 |
回复: saman [saman] 论坛用户 | 登录 |
新快乐时光啊,你用记事本打开FLOADER看是不是写着KJSTAR,用VB编的 |
B1层 发表时间: 04-01-20 08:40 |
回复: wangsong [wangsong] 论坛用户 | 登录 |
很多的杀毒软件软件都能查出并杀死客观存在们的, 先升级新的病毒库 |
B2层 发表时间: 04-01-20 12:28 |
回复: pula [pula] 论坛用户 | 登录 |
去掉.htt文件,和查到VBS.Haptime.A@mn或VBS.Haptime.B@mn,重置outlook Express 运行regedit删除键值: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Help\Count HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Help\FileName 上补丁www.microsoft.com/technet/ie/tolls/scrpteye.asp |
B3层 发表时间: 04-01-20 20:20 |
回复: zergking [zergking] 论坛用户 | 登录 |
这就是用记事本打开的文件内容。。。 desktop.ini内容如下: [ExtShellFolderViews] Default={5984FFE0-28D4-11CF-AE66-08002B2E1262} {5984FFE0-28D4-11CF-AE66-08002B2E1262}={5984FFE0-28D4-11CF-AE66-08002B2E1262} [{5984FFE0-28D4-11CF-AE66-08002B2E1262}] PersistMoniker=file://Folder.htt [.ShellClassInfo] ConfirmFileOp=0 - * This file was automatically generated by Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 * using the file %THISDIRPATH%\folder.htt (if customized) or * %TEMPLATEDIR%\folder.htt (if not customized). folder.htt内容如下: <html> <link rel=stylesheet href="%TEMPLATEDIR%\webview.css" title="Windows"> <head> <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=gb2312"> <!-- allow references to any resources you might add to the folder --> <!-- (a "webbot" is a special wrapper for FrontPage compatibility) --> <!-- webbot bot="HTMLMarkup" tag="base" startspan --> <base href="%THISDIRPATH%\"> <!-- webbot bot="HTMLMarkup" endspan --> <script language="JavaScript"> // the next line is the ONLY difference from folder.htt var L_Intro_Text = "<b><font color=red>警告</font></b><br><br>修改该文件夹中的内容可能导致程序无法正常运行。<br><br>要添加或删除程序,请单击“开始”,指向“设置”,然后选择“控制面板”,再单击 <b>添加/删除程序</b>。"; var L_Prompt_Text = "选定项目可以查看其说明。"; var L_Multiple_Text = " 选定的项目。"; var L_Size_Text = "大小: "; var L_FileSize_Text = "总计文件大小: "; var L_Delimiter_Text = ","; var L_Bytes_Text = " 字节"; var L_Attributes_Text = "属性"; var L_Codes_Text = "RHSaCE"; // suppress the Archive flag var L_ReadOnly_Text = "只读"; var L_Hidden_Text = "隐藏"; var L_System_Text = "系统"; var L_Archive_Text = "档案"; var L_Compressed_Text = "已压缩"; var L_Encrypted_Text = "已加密"; var L_NoAttributes_Text = "(正常)"; var L_Properties_Text = "属性(&R)"; var timer = 0; var wantMedia = false; // cool, but may hinder media file manipulation function FixSize() { // this function handles fixed panel sizing and collapsing when the window resizes var threshold = 400; var miniHeight = 32; var ch = document.body.clientHeight; var cw = document.body.clientWidth; if (cw < threshold) { document.all.Panel.style.visibility = "hidden"; document.all.MiniBanner.style.visibility = "visible"; document.all.FileList.style.top = miniHeight; document.all.FileList.style.pixelLeft = 0; } else { document.all.MiniBanner.style.visibility = "hidden"; document.all.Panel.style.visibility = "visible"; document.all.FileList.style.top = 0; document.all.FileList.style.pixelLeft = document.all.Panel.style.pixelWidth; } document.all.FileList.style.pixelWidth = cw - document.all.FileList.style.pixelLeft; document.all.FileList.style.pixelHeight = ch - document.all.FileList.style.pixelTop; } function FormatNumber(n) { var t = ""; var i, j = 0; for (i = n.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { t = n.charAt(i) + t; if (i && ((++j % 3) == 0)) t = L_Delimiter_Text + t; } return t; } function Properties() { FileList.SelectedItems().Item(0).InvokeVerb(L_Properties_Text); } function Init() { // call our FixSize() function whenever the window gets resized window.onresize = FixSize; FixSize(); Info.innerHTML = L_Intro_Text + "<br><br>" + L_Prompt_Text; } </script> <script language="JavaScript" for="FileList" event="SelectionChanged"> // this script updates the left info panel when you select icons var fldr = FileList.Folder; var items; var name; var data; var text; var title; var size = 0; var i; // cancel any pending status message if (timer) { window.clearTimeout(timer); timer = 0; } // erase any visible thumbnail since the selection changed document.all.Thumbnail.style.display = "none"; document.all.Status.style.display = "none"; // stop & destroy any media player if (wantMedia) document.all.Media.innerHTML = ""; data = FileList.SelectedItems().Count; if (data == 0) { // nothing selected? Info.innerHTML = L_Intro_Text + "<br><br>" + L_Prompt_Text; return; } else if (data > 1) { // more than one item selected? text = data + L_Multiple_Text + "<br>"; if (data <= 100) { for (i = 0; i < data; i++) size += FileList.SelectedItems().Item(i).Size; if (size) text += "<br>" + L_FileSize_Text + FormatNumber(size.toString()) + L_Bytes_Text + "<br>"; if (data <= 16) for (i = 0; i < data; i++) text += "<br>" + FileList.SelectedItems().Item(i).Name; } Info.innerHTML = text; return; } items = FileList.SelectedItems().Item(0); // name name = fldr.GetDetailsOf(items, 0); text = "<b>" + name + "</b>"; // type data = fldr.GetDetailsOf(items, 2); if (data) text += "<br>" + data; // date data = fldr.GetDetailsOf(items, 3); if (data) text += "<br><br>" + fldr.GetDetailsOf(null, 3) + ":<br>" + data; // size? size = FileList.SelectedItems().Item(0).Size; if (size) if (size < 1000) text += "<br><br>" + L_Size_Text + size + L_Bytes_Text; else { data = fldr.GetDetailsOf(items, 1); if (data) text += "<br><br>" + fldr.GetDetailsOf(null, 1) + ": " + data; else text += "<br><br>" + L_Size_Text + FormatNumber(size.toString()) + L_Bytes_Text; } // extra details? for (i = 4; i < 10; i++) { title = fldr.GetDetailsOf(null, i); if (!title) break; data = fldr.GetDetailsOf(items, i); if (title == L_Attributes_Text) { var code; var s = ""; text += "<br><br>" + title.link("JavaScript:onClick=Properties()") + ": "; for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) { code = L_Codes_Text.charAt(i); if (data.indexOf(code) > -1) { if (s) s += ", "; if (i == 0) s += L_ReadOnly_Text; else if (i == 1) s += L_Hidden_Text; else if (i == 2) s += L_System_Text; else if (i == 3) s += L_Archive_Text; else if (i == 4) s += L_Compressed_Text; else if (i == 5) s += L_Encrypted_Text; } } if (!s) s = L_NoAttributes_Text; text += s; } else if (data) text += "<br><br>" + title + ":<br>" + data; } // tip? data = fldr.GetDetailsOf(items, -1); if (data && data != name) { var start; var end; var theLink; var a; // parse lines for Office files without breaking links below a = data.split("\n"); data = a.join("<br>\n"); // look for embedded links text += "<br><br>"; start = data.indexOf("http://"); if (start < 0) start = data.indexOf("file://"); if (start < 0) text += data; else { end = data.indexOf(" ", start); if (end < 0) end = data.length; if (start > 0) text += data.substring(0, start - 1); theLink = data.substring(start, end); text += theLink.link(theLink); if (end < data.length) text += data.substring(end + 1, data.length); } } // replace Info with the new text Info.innerHTML = text; if (wantMedia && size) { // show media preview or thumbnail based on file extension ext = name.substring(name.lastIndexOf(".") + 1, name.length); ext = ext.toLowerCase(); if (ext == 'avi' || ext == 'mov' || ext == 'qt' || ext == 'mpe' || ext == 'mpeg' || ext == 'mpg') { // show a movie player document.all.Media.innerHTML = '<object ID="Player" style="width: 160px; height: 148px" classid=clsid:05589FA1-C356-11CE-BF01-00AA0055595A><param name="FileName" value="' + items.Path + '"><param name=ShowDisplay value=0><param name=BorderStyle value=0></object>'; } else if (ext == 'aif' || ext == 'aifc' || ext == 'aiff' || ext == 'au' || ext == 'mid' || ext == 'rmi' || ext == 'snd' || ext == 'wav') { // show a sound player document.all.Media.innerHTML = '<object ID="Player" style="width: 160px; height: 28px" classid=clsid:05589FA1-C356-11CE-BF01-00AA0055595A><param name="FileName" value="' + items.Path + '"><param name=ShowDisplay value=0></center></object>' } } // try to generate a new thumbnail asynchronously, and delay the status message one second if (size && (size < 10000000) && Thumbnail.displayFile(items.Path)) timer = window.setTimeout('document.all.Status.style.display = ""', 1000); </script> <script language="JavaScript" for="Thumbnail" event="OnThumbnailReady"> // when a valid thumbnail has been generated, display it window.clearTimeout(timer); timer = 0; document.all.Status.style.display = "none"; if (document.all.Thumbnail.haveThumbnail() && document.all.Media.innerHTML == "") document.all.Thumbnail.style.display = ""; </script> </head> <body scroll=no onload="Init()"> <!-- start mini banner --> <div ID="MiniBanner" style="visibility: hidden; position: absolute; width: 100%; height: 32px; background: window"> <!-- using a table with nowrap to prevent word wrapping --> <table><tr><td nowrap> <p class=Title style="margin-top: 0"> <!--webbot bot="HTMLMarkup" startspan alt="<B><I>Web View Folder Title</I></B> " --> %THISDIRNAME% <!--webbot bot="HTMLMarkup" endspan --> </td></tr></table> </div> <!-- end mini banner --> <!-- start left info panel --> <div id=Panel style="background: white URL(file://%TEMPLATEDIR%\wvleft.bmp) no-repeat"> <p> <object classid="clsid:E5DF9D10-3B52-11D1-83E8-00A0C90DC849" width=32 height=32> <param name="scale" value="100"> </object> <p class=Title> <!--webbot bot="HTMLMarkup" startspan alt="<B><I>Web View Folder Title</I></B> " --> %THISDIRNAME% <!--webbot bot="HTMLMarkup" endspan --> <p class=LogoLine> <img src="%TEMPLATEDIR%\wvline.gif" width=100% height=1px> <p> <span id=Info> </span> <!-- HERE'S A GOOD PLACE TO ADD A FEW LINKS OF YOUR OWN --> <!-- (examples commented out) <p> <br> <a href="http://www.mylink1.com/">Custom Link 1</a> <p class=Links> <a href="http://www.mylink2.com/">Custom Link 2</a> --> <p> <!-- this is the thumbnail viewer control --> <object id=Thumbnail classid="clsid:1D2B4F40-1F10-11D1-9E88-00C04FDCAB92" style="display: none"> </object> <!-- this is the status message that pops up during thumbnail generation --> <div id=Status style="display: none"> 正在生成预览... </div> <p> <!-- this contains any ActiveMovie control created later --> <div id=Media> </div> </div> <!-- end left info panel --> <!-- this is the standard file list control --> <!-- webbot bot="HTMLMarkup" startspan --> <object id=FileList border=0 tabindex=1 classid="clsid:1820FED0-473E-11D0-A96C-00C04FD705A2"> </object> <!-- webbot bot="HTMLMarkup" endspan --> </body> </html> |
B4层 发表时间: 04-01-21 01:45 |
回复: pula [pula] 论坛用户 | 登录 |
是欢乐时光。 我们学校有一大把。 |
B5层 发表时间: 04-01-21 14:40 |
回复: tommy_he [tommy_he] 版主 | 登录 |
金山有专门的工具,很多都中这个,就是速度慢了,其他没有什么! |
B6层 发表时间: 04-01-22 17:56 |
回复: moonbath [moonbath] 论坛用户 | 登录 |
什么和什么呀! 这两个只是一般的系统文件 desktop.ini桌面配置文件 folder.htt文件夹超文本模版 因为每个文件夹里都有这两个文件,所以才把病毒附在这两个文件里,这样可以加快传播速度。 这两个文件本身不是病毒,先用杀毒软件查一下看是不是。不要看见这两个文件就以为是病毒。 |
B7层 发表时间: 04-01-22 23:44 |
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