作者: kabala [kabala] 论坛用户 | 登录 |
我的计算机安装的是2000操作系统. 我做了一张98的启动盘从软驱启动了一下系统.只是用dir查看了一下c盘下的文件(只能看到A盘映射到C盘的文件).除此什么也没干. 我抽出软盘再次启动系统居然起不来了.系统刚刚通过bios就停止了.出现如下提示: Verifying DMI PoolData.......... _ 硬盘也不闪,没有一点动静.我不死心,又到别的机器上实验.得到相同的结果. 哪位大虾出手相救啊?急死了! |
地主 发表时间: 11/28 17:16 |
回复: gerry [gerry] 版主 | 登录 |
你拿2000的安装盘修复一下不就行了? |
B1层 发表时间: 11/28 17:48 |
回复: CrazyKnife [top] 论坛用户 | 登录 |
Verifying DMI Pool Data in Windows 95/98 Disclaimer: This information is provided as is without any warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. In no event will DEW Associates Corporation be liable to you for any damages, including any loss of profit or savings, arising out of the use or inability to use the information contained in this document. DEW Associates Corporation makes no representations or warranties with respect to the contents hereof and specifically disclaims any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose. Overview: The Desktop Management Interface (DMI) is a new method of managing computers in an enterprise. The main component of DMI is the Management Information Format Database, or MIFD (the DMI Pool Data). This database contains all the information about the computing system and its components. At times, some systems may experience a hang condition after partitioning, formatting and initial boot-up of a hard drive. In Windows 95 and 98, changes to the motherboards BIOS settings, changes in hard drives or to hard drive settings alters this pool data. The message, "Verifying DMI Pool Data" appears and the system hangs. This condition may continue even after the physical drive has been removed from the system. ! WARNING ! ALL SUGGESTIONS LISTED HERE ARE BIOS RELATED. FOR A PERMANENT SOLUTION, WE RECOMMEND THAT USERS CONSULT THEIR SYSTEM OR MOTHERBOARD MANUFACTURER FOR BIOS UPGRADES. Possible Resolution Methods: Method One: Apply power to the computer. Access the system BIOS. Set the drive type as None or Not Installed. Then Load the BIOS Defaults Then Load the SETUP Defaults Save the BIOS changes and reboot the PC to a System Boot Diskette. Shut down the PC after the memory count is displayed. Reconnect the power and interface cables to the hard drive. Access the System BIOS. Auto-Detect the hard drive. Ensure that the LBA Mode option is enabled. Save the BIOS changes and restart the PC with a System Diskette. Partition and format the hard drive via the operating system. Restart the system. On boot, the screen should read: Verifying DMI Pool Data Update Successful The system should continue booting normally. Method Two: Apply power to the computer. Access the System BIOS. Disable both the Internal and External CPU Cache. These features are located in either the "BIOS Features" or "Advanced Settings" options of the BIOS Setup. NOTE: Consult the System or Motherboard User's Manual for exact location of the Internal and External CPU Cache settings. Save the BIOS changes and restart the PC to a System Boot Diskette. On startup, the screen should read: Verifying DMI Pool Data Update Successful The system should continue booting normally. After the system successfully boots, re-start the PC and access the system BIOS. Enable the External CPU Cache. This feature is located in the "BIOS Features" or "Advanced Settings". NOTE: Consult the System or Motherboard User's Manual for exact location of the External CPU Cache setting. ! WARNING ! User's MUST re-enable this feature after resolving the problem for optimal system performance. Save the BIOS changes and restart the PC to a System Boot Diskette. On startup, the screen should read: Verifying DMI Pool Data Update Successful The system should continue booting normally. NOTE: If the aforementioned methods fail to resolve the issue, contact the system or motherboard manufacturer to either clear the CMOS or flash update the BIOS for your motherboard. This will entail either: Removing the "Clear CMOS" Jumper and resetting the system BIOS; or. Obtaining and applying a Flash BIOS Upgrade for your motherboard 最后方法就是找你的主板商 |
B2层 发表时间: 11/28 18:05 |
回复: CrazyKnife [top] 论坛用户 | 登录 |
:计算机启动时,自检通过,然后出现"Verifying DMI pool data……"的提示后就死机,排除病毒的可能。望给指点。 答:有不少人都遇到过相同的情形,即验证DMI数据时死机,而且很多情况下都没有好方法能够修复。如果机器还能从软驱启动,那么问题可能与DMI无关,解决起来要容易一些,可用系统盘向C盘重传系统,即执行"A:\>sys c:",绝大多数情况下都能解决。如果不能从软驱启动,则可能是刚刚安装的硬件与系统中其它设备有冲突,或存放DMI数据的EEPROM出现故障,或者EEPROM已装满而无法存入更多的数据,另一种可能原因是电源存在故障。你可以试试拔掉声卡、网卡等暂时不用的设备后再启动,或者清除CMOS设置后再启动,还不行的话可换个电源,能够启动之后首先要做的事情是升级BIOS。所有方法均不行时就只有更换BIOS芯片或者整个主板 |
B3层 发表时间: 11/28 18:15 |
回复: kabala [kabala] 论坛用户 | 登录 |
谢谢,谢谢,非常感谢大家!!!! 问题解决了. 但是我用A盘启动,就是看不到c盘下的文件.我键入c:回车看到的却是d盘上的文件.为什么啊?怎么看到啊? |
B4层 发表时间: 11/28 18:31 |
回复: CrazyKnife [top] 论坛用户 | 登录 |
你的B应该就是C:了,呵呵~~ 看看分区表吧~~~~! |
B5层 发表时间: 11/28 18:36 |
回复: kabala [kabala] 论坛用户 | 登录 |
不是啊. 没有b!!! |
B6层 发表时间: 11/28 18:41 |
回复: CrazyKnife [top] 论坛用户 | 登录 |
NTFS下就有~~! FAT32下的B 你看不到的~~! |
B7层 发表时间: 11/28 18:56 |
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