一个30G硬盘(昆腾高能火球四代)安装系统前扫描硬盘总是报告硬盘有错误,又修复不了,不能安装系统。扫描硬盘到File allocation tables时首先是出现下面一段英文提示: The file allocation tables (FATs) on this driver do not match.ScanDisk has determined that copy 2 is the best copy.If you choose FixIt,ScanDisk will replace copy 1 oft the FAT with copy 2. <FixIt> <Don't Fix It> <More>选<Fix It>后又出现: The C:DIR00001 directory is damaged. Some programs might not work properly when they access this directory. Choose FixIt to have ScanDisk correct the invalid settings for the C:DIR00001 directory. 再选〈Fix It>时出现: ScanDisk fond a problem with the c:\DIR00001 directory that could cause an error when you try to use that directory or the files it contains. Choose FixIt to have ScanDisk repair this directory so that can use it without encountering errors. To correct this problem,ScanDisk might have to delete the filename information for some of the files or subdirectories in this directory.The affected files or subdirectories will e given new filenames (for example,FILE0000.CHK) and saved in the root directory of the drive. 在跟着下来扫描到File syestem后又转回前面继续扫描File allocation tables时就"重复"出现以下的提示: The c:\DIR00002\*******.*** file or directory is damaged and is currently unusable. Choose Fix It to have ScanDisk repair the file or directory. To correct this problem,ScanDisk must delete the filename information for this file or subdirectory. The file or directory will be given a new filename (for example:FILE0000.CHK) and saved in the root directory of the drive. <Fix It> <Don't Fix It>不断选<Fix It>还是修复不了,唯有选<Don't Fix It>才能跳出来,但这样以来就不能安装win98了。 我从新分区格式化完的时候有一项信息是提示有*** bad sector的,但做盘片表面扫描(Surface scan)的时候又没发现有坏区啊! 各位大虾帮帮忙啊~!!!我到底怎样才能把系统安装上?这个硬盘可是用俺的血汗钱(奖学金)买来的呀~~!!!如果这样就没了,我就要55555555555555~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 各位大虾一定要帮忙啊~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!Help~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!(就当看在我对着屏幕抄这么长的英文的份上,也要帮帮忙啊~!)
[此贴被 Bingo(bingogw) 在 03月05日12时04分 编辑过]