旧机器毒龙700,主板精英K7VZA(1.1e),两条128SDR内存 TNT2 M64 32M,10G希捷硬盘 正在使用中 嫌硬盘小,今天新买了块希捷80G硬盘装上 装WIN2000时出现蓝屏 还有文字内容如下,抄的,也许个别字母错误 if this is the fist time you've seen this stop error screen,restart your computer.If this screen appears again follow these steps.
Check for viruses on your computer remove any newly installed hard drives or hard driver controllers check your hard drive to make sure it is properly configured and terminated Run CHKDSK/F to check for hard drive corruption,and then restart your computer
refer to your getting sterted manual for more information on troubleshooting stop errors 怎么也装不上了,我的2000盘好好的,昨天还给人装了系统,我怀疑主板设置的问题,可我不知道怎么做啊,我给主板BIOS放电后也是如此,排除了CMOS中病毒检测的影响,因为放电后默认这个选项是关闭的, 我用以前的旧10G硬盘启动,新盘设置从盘,BOIS里能都能检测到,但是启动WIN2000后在我的电脑里还有硬盘管理里都找不到新盘的影子。就连新盘上的一个分区也见不到,但在设备管理器里面的硬盘驱动器下能看到有两个硬盘!怎么解决啊,求救!
[此贴被 雨后的心情(wlm888) 在 06月27日01时38分 编辑过]