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1.标题栏闪烁 只要把下面的js加到</head>之前就可以了。 <script language=javascript> title_tmp1=document.title if (title_tmp1.indexOf(">>")!=-1){ title_tmp2=title_tmp1.split(">>"); title_last=" ―> "+title_tmp2[1]; title_last=title_last + " ―> " + title_tmp2[2]; }else{ if (title_tmp1.indexOf("――")!=-1){ title_tmp2=title_tmp1.split("――"); title_last=" ―> "+title_tmp2[1]; if (title_last==" ―> "){title_last=" ―> "}; if (title_last==" ―> "){title_last=" ―> "}; } else { title_last="http://www.yaguo.com/~lzlforever"} } title_new="精彩设计风"+title_last+"" step=0 function flash_title() { step++ if (step==7) {step=1} if (step==1) {document.title='◆◇◇◇'+title_new+'◇◇◇◆'} if (step==2) {document.title='◇◆◇◇'+title_new+'◇◇◆◇'} if (step==3) {document.title='◇◇◆◇'+title_new+'◇◆◇◇'} if (step==4) {document.title='◇◇◇◆'+title_new+'◆◇◇◇'} if (step==5) {document.title='◇◇◆◇'+title_new+'◇◆◇◇'} if (step==6) {document.title='◇◆◇◇'+title_new+'◇◇◆◇'} setTimeout("flash_title()",180); } flash_title() </script> 注:大家可以修改其中的title名,就可以为自己的主页增添一些特色! 2.打字效果 <div class="ttl1" id="ttl0"> <script language="javascript1.2"> var layers = document.layers; var style = document.all; var both = layers || style; var huliguo_b = 0; var huliguo_c = 4; function writeOnText(obj, str) { if (layers) with (document[obj]){ document.open(); document.write(str); document.close(); } if (style) eval(obj+'.innerHTML= str'); } var dispStr = new Array("<font style=\"font-size:12px\">欢迎光临设计风!!! </font>", "<font style=\"font-size:12px\"> 风声,雨声,读书声,声声入耳!</font>", "<font style=\"font-size:12px\">家事,国事,天下事,事事关心!</font>", "<font style=\"font-size:12px\">请多提意见,谢谢!</font>", ""); function txtTyper(str, idx, idObj, spObj, clr1, clr2, delay){ var tmp0 = tmp1 = '' var skip =100; if (both && idx <= str.length){ if (str.charAt(idx) == '<'){while (str.charAt(idx) != '>') idx++; idx++;} if (str.charAt(idx) == '&' && str.charAt(idx+1) != ' ') {while (str.charAt(idx) != ';') idx++; idx++;} tmp0 = str.slice(0,idx); tmp1 = str.charAt(idx++); writeOnText(idObj, "<span class="+spObj+"><font color='"+clr1+"'><b>"+tmp0+"</b></font><font color='"+clr2+"'>"+tmp1+"</font></span>"); setTimeout("txtTyper('"+str+"', "+idx+", '"+idObj+"', '"+spObj+"', '"+clr1+"', '"+clr2+"', "+delay+")",delay); } else{ huliguo_b++; init(); } } function init(){ if (huliguo_b == huliguo_c) huliguo_b = 0; txtTyper(dispStr[huliguo_b], 0, 'ttl0', 'ttl1', '#ffff00', '#0099cc', 150); } </script> </div> 注:修改其中的文字便可。 另外不要忘记在<body>中加入onLoad=init()。 3.字幕特效 代码如下: <SCRIPT language=JavaScript> <!-- var index = 4 text = new Array(12); text[0] ='<font style=\"font-size:12px\">怎么让向上滚动的字幕当鼠标放字幕后就停止;</font>' text[1] ='<a href="#"><font style=\"font-size:12px\">怎么让向上滚动的字幕加上超连接;</font></a><font style=\"font-size:12px\">' text[2] ='<font color="#ff0000">怎么让向上滚动的字幕当鼠标放字幕后就停止;</font>' text[3] ='<font color="#ff8000">怎么让向上滚动的字幕当鼠标放字幕后就停止;</font>' document.write ("<marquee scrollamount='1' scrolldelay='80' direction= 'up' loop=false width='300' height='100' id=design onmouseover=design.stop() onmouseout=design.start()>"); for (i=0;i<index;i++){ document.write (text[i] + "</A><br>"); } document.write ("</marquee>") // --> </SCRIPT> 4.荧光文字 代码如下: <!-- /* Pulsating Text (Chris A e-mail: KilerCris@Mail.com) Permission granted to Dynamic Drive to feature script in archive For full source, usage terms, and 100's more DHTML scripts, visit <img src=/moi/file.gif align=absbottom> <a href="http://dynamicdrive.com" target=_blank>http://dynamicdrive.com</a> */ //range of glowing(调节光晕的大小) var from = 5; var to = 11; //speed of pulsing(调节光晕搏动) var delay = 55; //color of glow, name or RGB value (example:'#00FF00')(设置颜色) var glowColor = "lime"; //NO MORE EDITING!!! var i = to; var j = 0; //can be called here or whenever you want the text to start pulsing textPulseDown(); function textPulseUp() { if (!document.all) return if (i < to) { theText.style.filter = "Glow(Color=" + glowColor + ", Strength=" + i + ")"; i++; theTimeout = setTimeout('textPulseUp()',delay); return 0; } if (i = to) { theTimeout = setTimeout('textPulseDown()',delay); return 0; } } function textPulseDown() { if (!document.all) return if (i > from) { theText.style.filter = "Glow(Color=" + glowColor + ", Strength=" + i + ")"; i--; theTimeout = setTimeout('textPulseDown()',delay); return 0; } if (i = from) { theTimeout = setTimeout('textPulseUp()',delay); return 0; } } //--> 5.页面title效果 代码很简单的,只要在</head>之前加上以下js即可。 <script language=javascript > var text=document.title var timerID function newtext() { clearTimeout(timerID) document.title=text.substring(1,text.length)+text.substring(0,1) text=document.title.substring(0,text.length) timerID = setTimeout("newtext()", 100) } </script> |
地主 发表时间: 04-08-20 18:54 |
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